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Get Google Maps API Address based on Address
$url = “”.urlencode($resident_address); $lat_long = get_object_vars(json_decode(file_get_contents($url)));// pick out what we need (lat,lng)$lat = $lat_long[‘results’][0]->geometry->location->lat;$lng =$lat_long[‘results’][0]->geometry->location->lng; /*echo $lat;echo $lng;*/
Google Hangout Widget
Google+ Hangout button
Hangout button for Website
hangout website script
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How to Create a Google Hangout Widget for Website
Google+ Hangout button for Website The Hangout button lets you launch a Google+ Hangout directly from your site. When you use the button, you can set up the Hangout in a variety of configurations. For example, you can specify Hangout apps that launch along with the Hangout and setup the Hangout as a regular Hangout […]
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