To download a file wgett urloffile To see log file contents , run time file tail -f filename To return back from file ctrl+c To edit a file vi filename return back :q! or :wq! to insert in file use insert key
7z x extract all zip archives 7z x *.zip to unzip on specific location or folder 7z x foldername 7z x *.zip foldername Install 7zip on Linux Centos yum install p7zip Install 7zip on Linux Ubuntu sudo apt-get install p7zip a to archive $ 7za a myfiles.7z myfiles/
Restart, Start, Stop MySQL from the Command Line Terminal, OSX, Linux To restart, start or stop MySQL server from the command line, do the following at the shell prompt… Start Stop Restart Mysql Commands Start Mysql on Linux — /etc/init.d/mysqld start Stop Mysql on Linux — /etc/init.d/mysqld stop Restart Mysql on Linux — /etc/init.d/mysqld restart […]