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Search and Retrieve Data from MySQL DB Using PHP
Below is the Simple PHP and MYSQL Search Program. Use below database queries: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user (id int(10) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,Name varchar(20) NOT NULL,PRIMARY KEY (id)); INSERT INTO user (id, Name) VALUES (‘1’, ‘vicky’), (‘2’, ‘vivek’); Below is the sample program:
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Tuts plus, all the tutorials are of Video Lectures, it has 30 lectures you can learn all the concepts. Jquery from Novice to Ninja: Please write in comments section if you know any better websites
How to Create document using VB Script
To create a document using VB script you need a text editor and use the below code. VB script must be ended by using .vbs VB script runs only on Internet Explorer browser. <script type=”text/vbscript”>Set word = CreateObject(“Word.Application”)Set ActiveDocument = word.Documents.Add()ActiveDocument.TypeText “My first document”ActiveDocument.TypeParagraph()ActiveDocument.SaveAs(“c:sample.doc”)</body></script>