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Bootstrap Themes free admin bootstrap templates Free boostrap themes free dashbaord bootstrap themes free dashboard themes OpenSource Themes Templates Themes

7 Free Bootstrap Dashboard Admin Themes

Below are the best Free Dashboard bootstrap themes and templates that you can use for Admin Side. And also these free bootstrap dashboard themes are open source which means you can use them on your own projects and can also change the source code but don’t distribute.

Free Bootstrap Dashboard Themes

1. SB Admin2 is a free Dashboard Admin theme for Bootstrap 4 and is Fully Open source Theme.

sb admin v2 bootstrap 4 dashboard template theme free.

2. SB Admin  is a free admin dashboard theme for Bootstrap 3 & 4. it is 100% free and open source you can include in commercial and personal projects also.
sb admin free bootstrap dashboard template free

Free Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Themes

3. Metis Bootstrap admin template, open sourced under MIT License.

metis free bootstrap admin dashboard template

4.Clean Dashboard Bootstrap UI Theme.

clean dashboard bootstrap theme free for admin templates

Free Bootstrap Admin Theme

5. AdminLTE Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Template is the Best open source admin dashboard & control panel theme. Built on top of Bootstrap, AdminLTE provides a range of responsive, reusable, and commonly used components.

adminlte free admin dashboard template based on bootstrap 4 3

6. VinceG Bootstrap Admin Theme is a free generic admin theme built with Bootstrap free for both personal and commercial use.

vinceg generic admin theme built with Bootstrap free for both personal and commercial use

Free Template Admin Bootstrap

7. chl – Admin Toolkit – chl is an HTML5 Admin Toolkit, specifically designed for developers and conceived to offer you unlimited resources for any project, from a management system, to a backend, a CMS, a CRM.

chl html5 admin tooklkit free theme

8. BCore Bootstrap Admin Template, is fully Responsive admin template based on twitter bootstrap framework. It comes with almost all plugins which you ever needed.

bcore bootstrap admin template free open source download.png

Note: We will continue to update this article regularly with new Free Themes and Templates.