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10 Free Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Templates and Themes

If you are looking for free bootstrap admin dashboard templates then check out below 10 best free dashboard templates with latest version of bootstrap and are fully open source which means you can use it for your personal and commercial purpose.

Free Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Templates

1. Design Bootstrap template is a free dashboard template with latest bootstrap version 3, this template can be used for personal and license use.

2. Admin LTE Bootstrap template by Almsaeed studio is free bootstrap admin dashboard template with lots of custom navigation’s, and best mobile responsive view.

3. KAdmin Free bootstrap responsive Admin Dashboard template with plenty of UI components, Light and dark theme skins.

4. JANUX Free Responsive Admin Dashboard Template with bootstrap 3.1 version above.

5. Kinnovative Responsive Bootstrap Angular JS Admin WebApp/Dashboard with Bootstrap 3.1 version, lots of customizable colors,navigations and is fully professional template with a nominal charge of $10.

6. Bootstrap Joli Angular JS Admin Template / Dashboard / Web App, and it is free for Single Site License.

7. Karmanta Lite Free bootstrap Admin dashboard Template, with Fully customizable, Flat UI with clean style, Dashboard with profile widget etc.,

8. Light Way Admin A dashboard with bootstrap theme in light colors scheme.

9. Deep Blue Admin bootstrap dashboard template.

10. Dark Admin dashboard template with Categories and HTML Widget box.