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How to Create a Google Hangout Widget for Website
Google+ Hangout button for Website The Hangout button lets you launch a Google+ Hangout directly from your site. When you use the button, you can set up the Hangout in a variety of configurations. For example, you can specify Hangout apps that launch along with the Hangout and setup the Hangout as a regular Hangout […]
How to Set up BonitaSoft BPM with Tomcat and Mysql
Before setting up Bonitqasoft you need following: 1. Latest version of Bonita Open Solution Tomcat and Mysql Bundle.2. Java 1.6 version and set JRE_HOME and set JAVA_HOME system variables.3. Mysql database. Follow below steps to configure BonitaSoft with Tomcat and Mysql : 1. Create two databases named bonita_history and bonita_journal. Commands: Create database bonita_history;Create database bonita_journal; Step 2. Create user […]