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PHP Mysql Visitor Counter Script
If you want to add a counter to a web page or a website then use the below simple PHP Counter Script using MySql. It is very easy to implement it and it counts whenever a page is being refreshed and the script won’t reduce page speed, unlike page counter scripts. PHP Visitor Counter Script […]
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Groovy Script SQL Connection Bonitasoft
Below is the SQL Connection for a Groovy Script for a SELECT Command in Bonitasoft BPM import groovy.sql.Sql;def host = “localhost”;def user = “bonita”;def pass = “bpm”;def schema = “bonita_journal”;def query = “SELECT * FROM BN_USER where USER_PRO_EMAIL_=’${email_Address__}’ limit 1”;def list=[];sql = providedscripts.BonitaSql.newInstance(“jdbc:mysql://${host}/${schema}”,user, pass, new com.mysql.jdbc.Driver())sql.eachRow(query,{row-> list.add(row.USER_USERNAME_)}); IdentityAPI api = apiAccessor.getIdentityAPI();User userObj = api.findUserByUserName(list[0]);User manager1 […]